Lots has gone on over the past month- it is hard to believe that Paxton is 5 plus weeks old. Time sure does fly when you don't sleep. I am going to try my best to get pictures up every week or 10 days instead of waiting so long in between, but I won't make any promises. Good news is that there are lots of new cute ones on now! Enjoy.
Doing the zoo with Gran

Caden is getting the hang of the big brother gig.

Paxton can't have all the fun alone!

And we thought Caden had outgrown this chair a year ago!

Caden knows how to cope with the screaming baby!

Bright eyed and taking it in.

Mad Pax

Just kickin' it.

We have another water baby!

Our first easter wouldn't be complete without...

a bit of a tale!

Daddy's teaching Caden the tricks to hunting Easter Eggs.

Caden is amazed at these bunnies. Reminder dont get the brown eggs!!!!

Mommy's favorite bunny.
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