When Brian walks into the house after work Caden breaks into the biggest smile and starts squealing... breaks moms heart of course because he is supposed to love me more! Just kidding... I love the fact that Caden values his time with his daddy, short as it is. Brian usually gets home around 5:30-6pm, and we feed him, eat our dinner, change/bath him and have him in bed by 7:30 most evenings. So their time together during the week is short, but they make the most of it.
Caden especially loves playing "Eskimo kisses" with daddy... I think it is the rough 5 o'clock shadow... I guess if I want to get the same level of belly laugh from the kid I need to run my hairy legs across his cheeks! I'll be the most loved yet! Haha... aren't you all praying that I don't scar the kid for life at this point!
Well let's get to the good stuff. Below are some picts of Caden "Gettin' Dirty and Gettin' Clean". I hope that you all enjoy them as much as we do. Check back soon, I am going to try to get some video clips uploaded of him and Brian playing together...I just have to figure everything out first (or more realistically nag at Brian until he does it for me!)
We are really liking eating... in fact most of the time we can't shove it in fast enough. He loves making a mess of everything... the chair, the bib, his clothes and usually my face!

I am training early... after dinner we hand Caden the rag and he wipes his own face! (Really he chews on the wet cool rag, but I like to think I that I am super mom and am starting cleanliness young!)
We have discovered the rubber ducky.. now he is a bath time necessity!

"I like bubbles... I especially like to eat them, against mommy's wishes!"

1 comment:
Dear Angela and Brian,
Hi!! Caden's bathtime pictures are so cute, especially the very last one where he's sayin' that he likes bubbles!!
Jack thinks that Caden looks like one of the new, sweet, little baby gray squirrels now on the Penn State Campus for "baby season"!!
Rosanna & Jack
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