Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fun in the Sun- Our new Pool

Well it is official- Redneck is contagious. Instead of going to WalMart and buying a $10 air pump, my industrious husband rigged up his own way to air up the new pool...with a leaf blower duck taped to a vacuum hose that would fit the deflation spout. Looks proud of himself doesn't he.

From this vantage point it looks like he is inflating something other than the pool!

Who needs an actual air pump when you have...
....plenty of hot air!

So we finally got the pool inflated and Caden loves it!

Caden Gone Wild!

While in Charleston we visited a couple of zoos and Caden had a grand time. He really loved chasing the rooster around the barnyard. So much that Brian and I are contemplating raising a few chickens in the back yard- I wonder what the HOA would say about that!

Here is the rooster that Caden befriended.

He chased and chased him... amazingly he never quite caught him. Rhett does the same thing with the cat. They want to feel like a great hunter, but don't really want to deal with the consequences of catching the prey!
Baby bunnies....mommy almost snuck one into her bag to take home they were so cute!

The pig did not like Caden at all, but Caden was fascinated.

He couldn't understand why he couldn't go pet them!

Our Smilin' Baby Boy

Paxton is growing like a weed. Here are some fun close-ups of the little man.

Daddy is a funny guy!
Mommy's little Safari man.

Pax loves his head to be makes him smile every time!

All around a happy baby!

Here is a serious look...must be close to dinner.

A Day at the Beach

While in Charleston we had the opportunity to visit the beach a couple of times. The first time Caden saw so much water he ran right out, completely clothed, totally excited. It only took 5 minutes and being knocked on his rear by a couple of good sized waves did he decide that caution and respect of the mighty sea was in order. Of course it was mommy who had to deal with the soaked and sand filled shoes and DENIM shorts.

So on the second visit he was much more cautious. But this time decked out in swimsuit and beach shoes he eventually warmed back up and ended up having a great time as long as daddy was in arms reach.

Paxton also had his first beach experience, and loved it...but that was probably because he was nursing most of the time and when he finished he got to stretch out on his back and sunbathe a bit!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Visit With The Great Grands

We had a wonderful week-long visit from the Great Grands...aka Nanny and Papa. The boys were spoiled rotten and all I have heard the past day and 1/2 since they left is "Papa, Papa!" I think we wore them out, but hopefully they will be fully recovered by the time we make it to Lubbock in June because I can guarantee that Caden will be ready to make up for lost time with his Papa! Thanks for all of the guys sure made poop patrol much easier! Can't wait for your next visit!

Nanny and her Pax-assuming the position. I don't know who liked it more, him or her.

Papa and a wide-eyed Pax

I think they look a lot alike- must have got some of those Kitten genes.

Paxton was especially clean this week...lots of baths from Nanny.
We were out in the hills for an afternoon hike.

Taking in the view.

That is one big bathtub!

My son and cannon balls...can't be a good combination!

Luvin' the water.

Even big man needs some Nanny love.

Story time with Papa.

Boys and their toys.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Pictures and Growing Boys

Lots has gone on over the past month- it is hard to believe that Paxton is 5 plus weeks old. Time sure does fly when you don't sleep. I am going to try my best to get pictures up every week or 10 days instead of waiting so long in between, but I won't make any promises. Good news is that there are lots of new cute ones on now! Enjoy.

Doing the zoo with Gran

Caden is getting the hang of the big brother gig.
Paxton can't have all the fun alone!

And we thought Caden had outgrown this chair a year ago!

Caden knows how to cope with the screaming baby!

Bright eyed and taking it in.

Mad Pax

Just kickin' it.

We have another water baby!

Our first easter wouldn't be complete without...

a bit of a tale!

Daddy's teaching Caden the tricks to hunting Easter Eggs.

Caden is amazed at these bunnies. Reminder dont get the brown eggs!!!!

Mommy's favorite bunny.