Well, we are at the home stretch. I am technically 36 weeks yesterday, but it looks like this baby is eager to make an appearance becuase on Monday I had already dilated to a 2 and was "softening nicely" according to my doc. She said that if she wanted to induce at that moment I was a perfect candidate, which of course we are not doing since I am still so early. But it is a good indicator that this is going to happen soon. Brian's mom arrives this afternoon at 5pm and I have basically been taking it as easy as I can because we really hope to make it until she gets here. Ironically 20 minutes after we booked her flight on Monday evening to come out today, I lost my muscus plug... so we have been sweating it a bit.
We will get picts and info posted as soon as we can after the "event" so keep checking the site. I am just hoping everything is a repeat of last time- you can't beat a 1 hr 15min delivery and 4 pushes! We will see soon I guess.
A lot has happened!
10 years ago