We had lots going on this week. We started the week with our first ex-rays... for PAX!!! I had money on the fact that Caden would be the first one, but I was wrong. Paxton was in his bumbo seat on the table and I turned my back for just a minute to get Caden more food and the next thing I know I hear a horrible crash and Pax is face down on the floor...still in the seat. So we made a mad dash to the pediatrician who sent us to get x-rays to make sure that there were no facial or skull fractures. Thank goodness he was ok, minus his first little black eye. I on the other hand was a nut case. I felt like the worst mother in the world. I think the doctor was much more worried about my mental state than Pax's physical!
Moving on through the week we started Pax on solid food, and surprise, surprise, he is a major chow-hound. He was like a little bird after the very first bite....it didn't take him any time to figure out the eating thing.
We also went to the zoo with the MomsClub. Caden was excited to see some of the larger animals, but the smaller stuff was not too interesting. His did laugh HARD at the large tortoises who were "wrestling". I guess a boys fascination with the "birds and the bees" starts early.
We ended the week by taking another hike on Paris Mtn. This trail was 2.4 miles long and nearly kicked my butt (and Brian's, although he won't admit it) in a couple of places, but we made it. I am seriously out of shape... although I am using the excuse of the extra 30lbs on my back to justify the struggle. Pax has a big boy pack now too because he was getting to long and to heavy to wear in the front carrier.
So enjoy the picts from this week.
Pax's Big Boy Pack- or Mommy's Monkey on her back!

Never leave home without your juice...always hydrate!
And daddy is back doing the Captain Morgan apparently.

"Man this hiking thing is tough work, I think I will just take a nap..."

Smooth Ridin'

What is mine is mine and what is brothers is mine!

Cozy rides at the zoo.

Caden is not big on posing for pictures... he is afraid he will miss the action.

Here kitty, kitty, kitty.

Talented Pax... managed to get his rattle on his foot! (This is pre-falling off the table and ER visit, needless to say we don't sit like this anymore!)

Happy Pax!

Hungry Pax!

"Is this how i do it?"

Faster, daddy, faster!